Since its founding, GPC has had experience consulting on projects in every state in Australia. We have gained great insight into the unique challenges posed to projects by the nation’s varied and harsh environments, as well the compliance requirements that pertain to each. Our knowledge and expertise has grown from a professional history with a rich domestic pedigree, which you can see below:
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Glenfield to Leppington SW Rail Link – Leppington and Edmondson Park Stations
Leppington NSW, 2179
Supply and installation of the two new railway stations, interchanges and commuter car parks at Leppington and Edmondson Park along the new 11 km of new greenfield track of the Glenfield to Leppington Rail Line (GLRL).
Novo Rail Alliance – Program Alliance with RailCorp
Sydney NSW, 2000
An alliance program comprising Liang O’Rouke, RCR O’Donnell Griffin and Aurecon, delivery an infrastructure upgrade program to the Sydney rail network. Work category including junctions, traction supply upgrades, stabling, overhead wiring and rail signalling.
Legacy Way Tunnel
Toowong QLD, 4066
Design, supply and installation of the M5 Legacy Way which is a 4.6 kilometres long tunnel linking the Western Freeway at Toowong and the Inner City Bypass at Kelvin Grove, Brisbane. The project consisted of two bored tunnels carrying two motorway grade lanes of traffic in each direction. Project developed by consortium comprising ACCIONA, Brisbane City Council and BMD
WestConnex New M5
Kingsgrove NSW, 2208
A joint venture construction of CPB Contractors and Dragados and Samsung C&T, design, supply and installation of the Stage 2 of WestConnex. The works comprises 9km of new tunnels, motorway to motorway connections to the King Georges Road Interchange Upgrade at Beverly Hills and with a new interchange at St Peters.