GPC provides consulting services across each state of Australia as well as internationally. We have accumulated a wealth of understanding for every stage of a project’s life cycle and have targeted our services to support clients at its most crucial points. Our consulting services are more than simple advice as we provide specific feedback and best practice guidelines in conversation with our clients’ needs. We invite you to take a look for yourself and click below for examples of what we provide and our commitment to this service.


Crop person signing contract

The Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act is our specialty, and we offer Adjudication Application advice when fair payments have not been made to schedule. Click through for GPC adjudication forms for every state to provide guidance on:

  • Payment Claims
  • Payment Schedules
  • Adjudication Applications
  • Adjudication Response
  • Payment Withholding
  • Notices
  • Notice of Suspension


subcontractor disputes not found

Read through examples of contract risk assessment reviews for almost 40 different head contracts to see how these may apply and assist your current project.

They showcase our commitment to providing in-depth advice to protect our clients’ interests before entering into a binding agreement.


security of payment act and adjudication

The GPC suite of contract documents currently comprises of the following:

  • Terms of Sale
  • Purchase Order Terms and Conditions
  • Sub-Consultancy agreement
  • Subcontractor Agreement with Guarantor
  • Subcontractor Agreement with No Signature
  • Supply Agreement

Refer to the guidance notes for the correct application of each document.


virtual screen

GPC offers a modern solution to the job site diary, utilising a hands-free, fully automated capture process to create the most detailed visual diary possible. Site images are taken using a 360 degree camera, powered by the world’s leading AI driven project management software, and are typically mapped and published in under 15 minutes.

With analytic tools that we provide, you’ll have project critical information at your fingertips wherever you go.


virtual walks

Powered with the same world class software as the Virtual Project Diaries, GPC offers the most comprehensive imaging process to identify and reduce worksite risks and hazards.

Better prepare all operators before they even arrive at the work area with a digital tour of the site, fully annotated with field notes to identify hazards in advance.


virtual screen and colleagues
Using our combined pool of talent and long history of industry experience, GPC also offers Business Advisory services, catering to Principals, Contractors and even entities outside of the construction sector.


Breaches of Australia’s Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) do happen, but it’s often not the drivers and operators that are at fault. Other parties in the transport supply chain are frequently in breach of the HVNL due to a lack of proper training and awareness. To avoid this in your own workplace, GPC endorses their affiliate company, Four Point Five, to help you to create an efficient and compliant Chain of Responsibility (CoR).

Four Point Five offers industry tailored CoR management plans, risk analysis consultancy, and compliance auditing to ensure that all your staff are educated and accountable. Click below for more information on the service.